I founded Aerial Esteem as a Youtube channel in 2019. I was driven to bring in depth tutorials to the online aerial community in an effort to help budding and advanced aerialist alike train safely and progress more quickly.

Over the years, I've continued to hone my vision for Aerial Esteem, and what I can uniquely offer to the world of Aerial Arts. 

Through recent collaborations with other artists and creatives, Aerial Esteem has created a one of a kind physical/digital product fusion to help make choreographing routines, training during open gym and strategizing photo shoots much easier with The Flight Deck.

Hello! I'm
Grace Alexander

Aerial Esteem’s focus and intention is to help aerialists of all stages have fun, get strong and build confidence through the aerial arts.

With the field in of aerial arts rapidly expanding, Aerial Esteem feels it’s important to explore the discipline in an empowering way, which helps you to evolve as an artist, performer or athlete while feeling balanced and inspired.

I love playing with old film cameras! It's a hobby of mine.

My camera

Caption for the next thing would go right here.

Thing #2 

This is another caption for this third item right here. 

Thing #3

This area can be used for any kind of list. Get creative!

Thing #4

Your fifth must-have would go right about here. Yup, yup.

Thing #5

Aerial Arts are
a way to build confidence and

You don't need
to be strong or flexible to get started in aerial.

Aerial Arts are a powerful way to express yourself and inspire others.

I believe:




Want more? My best stuff is on the blog. Come join us and check it out!

The blog